Let’s talk Cosmetic Tattooing.
Get a fuller and shapelier brow. Microblading is a semi-permanent tattooing technique in which a handheld tool, made up of several tiny needles, is used to scratch the skin’s surface and deposit pigment. Microblading is a two-session process and typically lasts 1-3 years. Touchups can be done after 6 weeks.
Lip Blushing.
Enhance and define your natural lips with lip blushing! This technique is done by pre-numbing the lips, so no pain is felt during the procedure. A handheld machine that inserts pigment into the lips using a sterile, single-use needle cartridge is used for lip blushing. Touch-ups can be done after 8 weeks.
Whether you love traditional, winged, or a powdered look, we do it all! This service is done using a handheld machine using a sterile, single-use cartridge needle to apply pigment depending on the desired look. The area is pre-numbed so no pain is felt during the procedure. Touch-ups can be done after 6 weeks.
Frequently asked questions
Learn how to prepare for your cosmetic tattoo appointment here.
Microblading is a semi-permanent solution to sparse, over-plucked, over waxed and thinning eyebrows. It is ideal to cover gaps, define shape, create an arch, and fill in the brows. Microblading deposits a small amount of pigment in the top layers of skin called the epidermis. As your skin naturally sheds over time, so does the pigment, which makes microblading semi-permanent.
Microblading is usually described as annoying or uncomfortable but only lasts for a short period of time. After the artist has made their first pass through the skin on both sides, your skin is now open, and a topical lidocaine is applied to numb the skin. After the gel is applied, you won't feel any discomfort. I do not pre numb the brow area because the numbing agent would change the texture of the skin. When this happens, it is hard to get the skin to adequately stretch to have the best results. I promise it's really not that bad and totally worth it!
Eyeliner seems scarier than it actually is. A pre-numbing anesthetic is applied to the eyelids for numbing prior and during the procedure. Every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of your procedure.
Lip blushing is the most sensitive of all cosmetic tattoo procedures. Don’t worry, we do pre-numb the lips prior to and during the procedure to keep your as comfortable as possible your entire appointment.
Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years depending on skin type, sun exposure and lifestyle. Those with oilier skin types will likely have pigments fade quicker than others and require more frequent touch ups. As far as how often to come in to maintain, this is different for everyone. Your brows need to be faded by about 50% before a yearly touch up, so many clients have to go longer than a year to be faded enough. It is normal over time to fill the brows in with small amounts of makeup between appointments as they fade. When in doubt, wait a little longer.
Eyeliner is recommended to be touched up every 1-5 years to keep them looking their best. Each person is unique, and fading can depend on how the body breaks down the pigment and products used on or around the eyes.
Lip blushing touch ups are recommended every 1-3 years. Final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates.
Microblading The first session typically takes two to three hours. The second session performed 6 weeks after the first session typically lasts one to two hours.
Eyeliner The first session can take 2-3 hours. The touch up session is done 6-8 weeks later and depending on what adjustments need to be made, can last 45 minutes to 2 hours.
Lip blushing The first session typically takes 3 hours. The second session done 8 weeks later is 1-2 hours depending on what adjustments need to be made.
Microblading The healing process typically takes around 30 days. During this time your new brows will go through many stages of healing. After the first session 30 - 50% of the pigment may fade, 10 -15% of the strokes may disappear, and the brow typically shrinks in size as well. This is normal and also why the second session is necessary.
During the second session, the artist assesses the client's skin and will make any adjustments to their brows, if any, to achieve the best results. Certain factors attribute to the final result that are out of the artists control such as skin type, skin texture, lifestyle, sun exposure, tanning, product used, antibiotics taken and aftercare. We strive to make the best professional decision we can based on all the information we know; the rest is up to you.
Eyeliner heals very quickly. Right after the procedure moderate swelling is normal, even some bruising may occur.
Following the procedure, you may find the area a little puffy for the first few mornings. An ice bag placed on the eyelid with a clean paper towel so the ice is not directly on the skin can be used the second day for a few minutes in the morning, along with sleeping somewhat propped up on your back will make a difference if you know that you have a tendency to swell. Use only an artificial tears product to moisten and cleanse eye area if needed.
You will likely have some flaking within the first 10 days and light fading or softening of the color. Touch ups can be done to make eyeliner darker or adjust shape on the second session if needed,
Lip blushing Your lips will look swollen and slightly larger than normal and look as though you may have had a slight lip filler injection. The degree of this varies from person to person. The pigment and lip color will look darker initially, like a bold lipstick. The size of your lips will shrink back to normal and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 4 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first, the edges last.
Expect moderate swelling up to three days following the procedure. Lip pigment color may fade up to 50% after the first few days. While healing you lip color will look a little patchy. This is due to oxidation of the pigment and the regeneration of the skin. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired lip results, 2 is usually required.
Sometimes. The artist has the right to refuse service to anyone they are not comfortable tattooing. It is best for you to speak with the front desk so they can further assist you with your options. Many things come into consideration when deciding to do cover-ups such as level of expertise of the performing artist, existing pigment in the skin, existing shape, and the skins overall condition. Prior approval is necessary to avoid the artist declining an appointment and losing the deposit.
Learn more about how to care for your cosmetic tattoo here.
If you have any more questions, please call us at 763. 207. 8577.
We look forward to talking with you.
*Please note: a $100 nonrefundable deposit is required when making your appointment. This deposit will go towards your microblading session. If any rescheduling needs to be done, we kindly request 4 days notice prior to the appointment in order to keep your original deposit.*